It’s always validating to be featured on a roundup. This week my beloved Independent Fashion Bloggers (top 3 favorite blog!) featured my article on – you guessed it – . Apparently other bloggers share my love for this powerful and pretty color as you’ll see from the links below. I’ve lost count of the number times I’ve been featured on IFB but I am, nonetheless, grateful. If you haven’t yet, find out why I think pink is anything but dainty, and check out the other 19 articles that made the roundup.
Primped & Pretty in Pink
This season has everything all mixed up. Pink for fall? Sweatshirts? After all, breaking rules is what fashion is all about. As we’re right in the midst of the holiday season, getting beautified and looking your best is second only to getting in the spirit of giving. This week’s roundup has a nice mix of beauty, trend and tips for the holidays, so get your cup of mint cocoa and read through these fabulous links!
Links a la Mode: November 14th
- Attire Club: The Complete Guide To Travel Bags
- All Things Beautiful: My Top 5 Fall/AW’13 Lipsticks
- Beautify My Life: 5 dangers of getting dressed with a toddler
- Beauty and Sass: 4 jackets (or coats) that every sasstress must own
- Blue Mountain Belle: The Nearby App – Local Shopping At Your Fingertips
- Carly Tati: 7 Steps to Get This Braid From The Naeem Khan Runway
- Cheap n Chic Living: Hair DIY: How to create a side french braid and bun
- Choo Choo’s Outfits: 4 Ways To Wear A Striped Turtleneck
- Cream and Sugar Please: Lazy Girl Chic: How to Dress Up a Sweatshirt
- Foxy Oxie Supernova: 10 Ways to Feel More Feminine
- Freckles and Fashion: .“Fall”ing for Nars Lip Pencils
- Keily’s Fashion Picks: Introducing Nailed Kit – An SF Startup
- Ms. Fabulous: Robert Verdi Talks Queer Style and F.I.T.
- Rose & Pine: .Eight Tips for the Blogging Newbie
- Style Context: Pretty, Polished Pink Coat
- Sobbing on Fifth: DIY Hair Clips & Combs
- The Glambition: IT COLOR: PINK
- The Laundrette: Giant Fashion Undies (GFUs)
- The Stylish Butterfly: Jenny Packham Holiday-ish Vibe Dresses
- Undercover Dress-Up Lover: What to wear to a uni interview